Let’s have a frank conversation.

The hiring managers have spoken. According to a 2018 Glassdoor study, attracting high-quality candidates is the top challenge for 76 percent of them. (That’s more than three quarters of the decision makers!)

Surprised? Statistics from the same study say you shouldn’t be.

In the U.S., the average job interview process takes, on average, 23.8 days. And then, when you’ve finally found the perfect person, the average cost per hire is $4,129.

So, the next time you’re recruiting (and maybe that’s right now), make sure your company finds candidates who are capable, compatible and committed. Here’s how:

  1. First, build a business people will want to be part of. In 1983, just a few years after Apple was founded, Steve Jobs was in the market for a high-level executive. The problem? He set his sights on someone who wasn’t pursuing other opportunities. At the time, John Sculley was leading the way at Pepsi-Cola, but with one compelling question, Jobs changed that. He eventually asked, “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?” And who could say no to that? With a clear mission and vision, you can’t help but motivate and excite top talent.
  2. Cultivate a cool company culture. To get great people working for you… you have to offer a great place to work. Focus on employee happiness, because ultimately, people who love their jobs will stay at their jobs, and they’ll add a lot more value to your organization. When you’re hiring, try to show off your culture (or at least share details about it), so candidates can determine if it’s the right fit for them. After all, an interview is a two-way street.
  3. Write better job descriptions. Easier said than done, right? However, The Wall Street Journal once reported on a study that could offer some insight. As it turns out, a laundry list of job requirements can actually turn off qualified candidates. For some, it seems more like a list of demands, not opportunities. So instead, focus on what your company can do for them, and how they can help you make a difference. (It’s called the Needs-Supplies approach.)
  4. Look for lots of potential vs. lots of experience. Don’t look past the work they’ve done thus far, but make sure you consider the work they’re capable of in the future. Identify people who will be able to grow into new roles and adapt to new challenges easily.
  5. Screen for specific personality traits. According to David Brooks, an American author, employers should ask candidates what traits they want to be remembered for when they retire. It gets people thinking not just about what they do, but who they are. As they share their virtues, listen for characteristics like empathy, humility, curiosity, flexibility, creativity, self-awareness and resilience. More than likely, these are the qualities of people who would contribute to your culture and fit in with your team.
  6. Get somebody who can be both: a leader and collaborator. Of course, you want someone who can work independently, successfully. But you also need someone who can be a team player. It’s important to find a candidate with that type of balance.
  7. Promote your existing employees. It’s not a secret: Talented people want to work with talented people. It keeps them inspired. It helps them grow (and your company, too). It builds momentum. So, when you’re already working with the best and brightest, your organization offers an incredible opportunity. Don’t be afraid to brag.

Now that you know how to hire top talent, learn how to find the right insurance agent for your business’s needs. Read our blog post: How to pick an insurance agent: 6 questions to ask.
