We make it our mission to assemble the right insurance policy for you.
Having the right coverage can help your manufacturing business run smoothly. From common manufacturing issues to situations that warrant special extensions, our manufacturers insurance provides protection when you need it most. Not to mention, the personalized attention and peace of mind you deserve. Explore the benefits of Manufacturers Premier and Manufacturers Select offerings.
- Manufacturers Property Premier
Features a multi-tiered approach. Choose customized limits of $50,000, $150,000, $250,000, or $500,000. Each option provides more than 70 important property, business income, and crime coverages while allowing you to tailor coverage to your individual needs. - Manufacturers Liability Premier
Offers exceptionally broad and competitive liability coverages manufacturers, like you, value most. - Manufacturers Select
Combines key property and liability enhancements that are ideal for manufacturing businesses, just like yours.
Our insurance for manufacturers includes coverage for:
- The physical structure of your building and its contents (inventory, machinery, equipment, office materials)
- Bodily injury caused by your employees, products or property damage
- Defense in the event you are sued
Customize your policy with additional essential coverages you may need, like:
Let’s have a frank conversation about customizing your manufacturers insurance. Talk to a local, independent agent today.